Please find below the latest Ward crime data.
- Burglary Residential (3) – All 3 offences occurred on the 16th January in Holt Park. 2 were attempt-only by trying the door handle, with no entry gained. On the successful entry, a door was forced open & tools stolen.
- Robbery (1) – A shoplifter is asked to leave, after being recognised as a previous shoplifter. Request is refused, items are stolen and shopkeeper pushed when they have tried to retrieve items.
- Theft of Motor Vehicle (2) – From the circumstances, both vehicles were either left unlocked or opened using a relay device. I have attached a leaflet that provides some advice for securing keyless entry vehicles.
- Regarding ‘Other Theft’ I always review the circumstances of these (as I do with all of the crimes listed, in order to provide the notes sections) but they very rarely present any opportunities to issue crime prevention advice or present a threat to anyone that is not directly involved. In this specific week, they relate to 1x theft by employee & 1x theft of a parcel from a doorstep.
- In regard to the Theft from motor vehicle, this was a theft of number plates. This is something we see from time to time, but because it has been reported, if the vehicle’s registration was to be used in crime, this would be picked up by the investigating officer.